
PEN-Ivory: The Design and Evaluation of a Pen-Based Computer System for Structured Data Entry

Reference: Poon, A. D. & Fagan, L. M. PEN-Ivory: The Design and Evaluation of a Pen-Based Computer System for Structured Data Entry. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, November, 1994.

Abstract: PEN-Ivory is a pen-based computer system that uses structured data entry for creating patient progress notes. Users make simple gestures such as circles, lines, and scratch-outs to enter medical findings from a controlled vocabulary. The result of an interaction with PEN-Ivory is a computer-generated patient progress note in English prose. We designed PEN-Ivory's user interface in a principled way. We first created multiple working prototypes, each differing in one of three user-inteface characteristics. Then we empirically evaluated the prototypes in a controlled, experimental setting for their efficiencies in enabling users to create patient progress notes. The prototype that allowed the fastest data entry had the following three user-interface characteristics: it used a paging form, used a fixed palette of modifiers, and made available all findings from the controlled vocabulary at once.

Notes: Updated November 1994.

Full paper available as ps.

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