
User-Interface Design Based on Data Models for Application Programs

Reference: Eriksson, H.; Puerta, A. R.; & Musen, M. A. User-Interface Design Based on Data Models for Application Programs. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, September, 1992.

Abstract: The data definitions that an application program uses can provide the basis for automatic generation of the program's user interface. To use fully the information available in object-oriented models, development tools must analyze the relationships among classes of data objects to design the high-level structure of the user interface. DASH is a tool that supports designers in defining and implementing user interfaces for knowledge-acquisition programs. DASH takes as input a set of class definitions expressed in an object-oriented language, and produces as output both a dialog structure at the window and editor level and a detailed form specification at the widget level, the last of which can be instantiated to a user interface automatically. Two important contributions of DASH are that it allows the designer to custom-tailor the user interface at various design stages, and that it maintains these adjustments as the class definitions change and the user interface is regenerated.

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