
Automatic Test Case Generation by Modeling Patient States and Physician Actions

Reference: Perreault, L. E. Automatic Test Case Generation by Modeling Patient States and Physician Actions. October, 1987.

Abstract: Computer-based medical decision-support systems must be rigorously tested and evaluated before they can be used routinely in patient care, We describe research in the automatic generation of test cases to aid in the development and testing of MENTOR, a drug-therapy monitoring system. We implented a prototype test case generator (RALLY) that simulates (1) physician behavior in managing patient drug therapies and (2) changes in patient state over time and in response to physician intervention. Subjective estimates of a test case's value for testing guide the test case generator to produce cases that are expected to occur frequently and cases for which an error in processing could have serious consequences for a patient.

Notes: Journal Memo 30 pages.

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